Website development process improvement in SMEs using TPS with the implementation of Lean and Agile methodologies - an empirical study
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Poznan University of Technology, Faculty of Engineering Management
Publication date: 2020-07-29
Organizacja i Zarządzanie 2019;80:133-148
The main aim of the article is to improve the website development process by using the Agile Development Toolkit: Lean Software Development which is developed from the combination of Lean and Agile principles and the theory of waste elimination from the Toyota Production System. This article explains the definitions of the kinds of wastes that are generated during the website development process within an IT Company and generally in SMEs in India and by taking preventive steps, improving the process by eliminating generated waste. The main aim of the research is to use Lean Software Development, a toolkit of Agile Development, that can be implemented within IT SMEs to overcome wastes. This article focuses on finding root causes of problems within the website development process and applying principles of Lean Software Development to remove those problems and accelerate the website development process. Another analysis was performed to show which principles of Lean Development and Agile Development can be correlated if a website/software is developed using any of these two development methodologies, and not specifically Lean Software Development.