New trends in shaping work systems
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Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu, Katedra Pracy i Polityki Społecznej
Publication date: 2020-08-24
Organizacja i Zarządzanie 2014;63:141-162
The aim of this article is to show how system changes determined by the transformation process, which took place in the last two decades in the country and the wider environment, affect the work system. The substantive construction of this article is subordinated for this purpose. In the first part of the paper ten factors that have the greatest impact on the work system are presented. In the second section, issues are discussed connected with a flexible working time, paying particular attention to individual and task working time. In the next, third part of the article, teleworking as a new form of a labour system is characterized. In the fourth part of the paper, changes that occur between free time and working time (shortening of work time) are discussed. The consequence of shortening working time is a part-time job. At last, in the sixth part of the article beneficial solutions for organizations and employees, that are the results of transformations in the work system, are indicated.
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