Green logistics aspects in Silesian companies
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Studentka Politechniki Śląskiej w Zabrzu, kierunek logistyka, Europejskie Koło Logistyczne FENIKS
Publication date: 2020-08-25
Organizacja i Zarządzanie 2013;60:55-62
This paper presents the characteristics of companies located in Upper Silesia, which obey environmental policy and the effect of their actions on reducing harmful effects on the environment. Twenty-first century is a time of rapid technological progress and economic growth, which lead to intensive exploitation of natural resources and the continuous degradation of the natural environment. With the concern about the ecological side of business and development number of environmental campaigns were conducted and proecological advertisments were being showed. Also the standards were tighten what affects enterprises profoundly and leads to bigger interest in field of the ecological aspect of manufacturing companies. In Upper Silesia, which is considered to be the most contaminated area of Poland, one can observe a growing trend of actions supporting ecological solutions in logistics or manufacturing companies.
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