Assessment of the possibilities limitations of exposure harmful factors in granite mine
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Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa im. Angelusa Silesiusa w Wałbrzychu
Akademia Obrony Narodowej
Publication date: 2020-08-20
Organizacja i Zarządzanie 2015;66:5-26
Dust, noise and vibration commonly found in rock mining. Reducing these harmful factors is important in protecting the safety aspects of the health of workers. The aim of this study was to analyze workstations, on which are found repeatedly exceeded the limit values. There were evaluated opportunities to reduce exposure to dust, noise and vibration to the values comply with the provisions, by changing the exposure time. The paper presents the results of measurements that are a reference for the test. Akus computer program was used for the calculation. The analysis is intended to show the value of concentration and intensity that are safe for workers exposed to these factors exposure in the work environment. Results from the analyzes, allow to conclude that improve the working environment due to dust, noise and vibration can be achieved by limiting the duration of exposure to harmful factors to limit values, but these changes are not acceptable to the mine. Among the factors related to the working environment in a granite quarry greatest threat is the noise, then dustand then vibrations. The only possible protection of workers against noise, dust and vibration are personal protective equipment.
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