Long-term care for the elderly people in the context of the active aging concept
Human resources and social protection, University of national and world economy, Bulgaria
Data nadesłania: 18-09-2022
Data ostatniej rewizji: 04-03-2023
Data akceptacji: 07-03-2023
Data publikacji: 31-05-2023
Autor do korespondencji
Ralitza Ferdinandova Pandurska   

Human resources and social protection, University of national and world economy, Sofia, Bulgaria
Organizacja i Zarządzanie 2022;86:139-162
The need for long-term care for the elderly in Europe will increase more and more due to the ageing population in the countries. A deteriorating demographic structure, rising mortality and declining birth rates, longer life expectancy and high external migration are key factors negatively affecting cost-effective pension and healthcare systems. People live and age differently depending on their lifestyle, health status and genetic inheritance. However, they all strive to maintain their economic, social and health status after retirement, as well as to have an active and fulfilling life. This becomes a serious challenge for the social systems of the countries, which must guarantee a dignified way of life for every individual who has reached the retirement age and cannot take care of himself. This article presents the possibilities of providing long-term care for the elderly who have difficulties in their normal daily activities and life challenges due to their old age while trying to live an intensive life in good health and maintaining their previous economic and social status.
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